The premier service for after hours alcohol delivery in Toronto.
Your Toronto after-hours booze delivery that is reliable and reasonably priced call (647) 641-2374 (No texts please) No one beats us on price and speed. For liquor, wine and beer delivery we are your late-night, after-hours dial-a-bottle, formerly known as IDRinx, IDRinks or I.D.Rinx . No delivery charge within our zone. And we love pets!

Free delivery in Central Toronto between Eglinton, Keele, Woodbine and the Waterfront. $5 - $10 charge outside that zone
dependent on distance.
Cash is king and it's what we prefer. We do accept e-transfers for an additional $5 fee. We're fast, help us stay that way by being ready and at the location. Please inform us of payment method when placing order.
Open 10 pm to 6 am nightly. 7 am on weekends.
Extended hours on holidays.
For deliveries outside Toronto we recommend our friends at Boo Zapp. They currently serve Hamilton, Barrie, Niagara Falls, London, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and others, and are constantly expanding.